Photochromic Lenses
Photochromic lenses block 100% of harmful ultraviolet rays. They automatically adapt to changes in the light conditions, making your eyes more comfortable, especially if you are sensitive to light.

Move between indoors and outdoors!
These lenses turn dark as soon as you step outside, responding to increased exposure to daylight. When you go indoors, they'll fade back to be entirely clear, allowing you to have clear, protected vision wherever you are. Get the most out of Photochromic lenses to protect your eyes throughout the day.

How do Photochromic Lenses work?
Photochromic lenses are fuly clear indoors and automaticaly darken outdoors in seconds, By otimizina the amount of licht your eves receive, it help reduce lare, eye fatique, and strain to create more efortless sight. Also block 100% of U rays and protect against potentialy harmful blue light from digital screens and bright sun.